Reading Week so far...
(Will add to this as the week progresses. Hopefully the remaining days will give me something not
entirely dull to report...)
SaturdayWent out for dinner with my family, my grandmother, and my aunts and uncles from my mom's side.
Happiest Girl's birthday. Called to extend birthday greetings and actually caught her at home. Yay. Hope her party went well.
Tried to watch
The Phantom of the Opera with
Chloe -- and failed miserably, due to various stupidities on both our parts. Short story: we were waiting for each other in different spots...Chloe's cellphone stopped working...I didn't go and check if she was waiting where she was waiting...Chloe has my phone number only on her non-working cellphone, so couldn't call and find out where I was...I couldn't call her to find out where she was...Chloe got up at 4am that morning, and after waiting for me not more than 10 or 15 minutes, apparently she headed into the theater by herself...nearly an
hour before the movie actually started. So really, even if I'd gone and checked if she was there already, chances are I wouldn't have found her. Anyhow, she saw
POTO on her own, and I went home, wondering what had happened to her since from my POV she'd just never shown up. Blllarrgh.
MondayWent to work. Was business as usual.
TuesdayVisited Susan in Hamilton. It's fun taking trains. You know, assuming everything goes the way it's supposed to. Had our usual problems actually meeting up, but was much less disastrous than both Sunday's debacle with Chloe and my visit to Hamilton in 2nd year, where Suz and I failed to meet up with each other for an hour. Heh. You know, I think meeting up with people properly may be a flaw of mine of some kind... Anyway. Had pita for lunch and pizza for dinner. Foods starting with letter "P" v. good. Was glad that Tiffany was around this day, too -- watched some videos Tiff had on her computer of her trapeze sessions. Decided that would never go trapezing. Watched
Lost for the 3rd time with Suz, and for lack of anything else to do on a rainy day, watched
Alias for the 2nd time. Am not complaining; are worse ways to spend time when hanging out. Helped (marginally) make a chocolate cake that smelled very good after it was done. Also met the last roommate of Susan's and Tiffany's that I had left to meet; seemed nice enough. Much neater than Suz. Heh.
WednesdayWent shopping with Mom all day (well, from lunchtime until dinnertime, anyway). Am tired. Is why am not typing in proper sentences. Bought lots of clothes (or what seemed like a lot at the time) and a pair of shoes. Mom says have finally proven myself worthy, since have never been good shopper. Never buy anything. If do buy anything, is usually DVDs, CDs, or books. Not clothes, and definitely not shoes. However, can tell am not an imposter because still managed to buy a boxset of books along with the clothes. :)